Hawaii Pua Aloalo Flower


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“Given the recent Supreme Court decision limiting the ability of government to act on environmental protection, and confirming that only rights explicitly recognized in the constitution will be given judicial viability, the passage of Green Amendments is now more crucial than ever before.”– Maya van Rossum, Founder of GAFTG Spotlight: 2022 Green Amendment Day! On

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“Given the recent Supreme Court decision limiting the ability of government to act on environmental protection, and confirming that only rights explicitly recognized in the constitution will be given judicial viability, the passage of Green Amendments is now more crucial than ever before.”– Maya van Rossum, Founder of GAFTG Spotlight: 2022 Green Amendment Day! On

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“Right now, across the state there are families that are dealing with water coming through the pipes in their house that they can’t drink… I think it’s past time we get a bill like this passed.”  – Rep. Madinah Wilson-Anton (Delaware, DE Green Amendment Primary Sponsor ) Spotlight: The NJ Press Conference   NJ Press Conference June

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